Last week we had our first NICU reunion tea to attend with the boys! Our hospital holds this lunch every year for current and previous NICU families. It’s a way to connect with other parents, but also to see familiar faces again, like some of the doctors, nurses, support workers, volunteers and others who played a part in helping our boys (and many other babies) survive.
Being in the NICU for 5 months, we got to know a LOT of people and it was nice to connect with a few of them again. I still think of all the docs, nurses and others DAILY…. even after being home for almost 8 months now. They played such a huge part in my life, I will never forget them.

I could go on about that, but instead, I’ll share some pics from the eventful day!
My husband took the day off to come with me too, which was really special to get out as a family. We ended up being a bit late because #complextwinbabies but we made it. We had to feed them in the parking lot before walking in.

Once inside, it was PACKED so there wasn’t much room for our twin stroller, and we couldn’t take them out because the G-tube feed was running, but we made it work.

We had some great sandwiches and cake, and saw quite a few of our NICU pod friends who had their babies in the same wing of the NICU the same time we did.

Jaxon slept the ENTIRE time… then was ready to party once it was all over. Of course. I pumped in the hospital lounge before we left to get home. It was a full day, but a fun one!

Does your NICU also hold a reunion/event for families? If so, do you go? I know some people have mixed feelings about returning to what is sort of a traumatic place, but for me, I love going back to our hospital any time I can (except for emergencies of course). It’s one of my happy places, even though it has contained nearly all of the most difficult and painful moments of my life. Funny how that works, isn’t it?